Congratulations New Harvest on 50 Years of Ministry Excellence!

Our New Harvest 50th Celebration Banquet will take place at Disney's Grand California Hotel in Anaheim. This night will include an elegant dinner, dessert, and entertainment.

for all the details and to register click here: 50th anniversary

10am | Saturday, April 6th | Lounge

Come out Saturday, April 6th @ 10am She Is…, is having a special women's only generations service. She has been confident in His faithfulness through generations. He keeps His promises. He is working when we cannot see it. He has not forgotten your prayers!

Show His Faithfulness through the generations by being there.

She is… 
She is a sister… 
She is a wife… 
She is a daughter… 
She is a woman of God… 

She Is: Is a ministry for women of all ages and walks of life. Our purpose is to empower, equip, and strengthen women to become all that God has intended them to be. Join us. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming. We have excellent worship, and best of all, the Word of God with topics relevant to women. Come out and fellowship, make new friends, and be encouraged. 

We meet on the 1st Saturday of March, April, May, September, October, and November at 10am in the lounge. Hope to see you there!

Women’s tea party
10am | Saturday, May 4th | Lounge

Ladies, please join us for a very special event! New Harvest Norwalk will be hosting a Women's Tea party. Bring your own teacup. Invite your daughter, mom, your grandmother, your sister, and your friends. All women are invited.

It will be a great time with worship, encouraging word, lunch, and dessert. So, invite those special women in your life and join us. Tickets are $20 per person and the Last day to purchase a ticket is Sunday, April 28, 2024.

Questions or Need Help? Contact New Harvest Church at 562-929-6034

Register today: tea party

royal Ranger Derby
Registration begins at 9:00am and races start at 10am | Saturday, April 20th | Lounge

Everyone is invited to come out and support our Royal Ranger Derby. This event is open to all youth boy and girl Students grades k-12th. Cars & registration will be $17.00, and we ask that you register as soon as possible to begin working on your car. Great food will be available! for more information contact Commander Henry Chavez 562-569-2278.

trust, the key to successful living - April Sunday sermon series
10am | Sundays | sanctuary

The following Sundays in April will feature a special sermon series called “trust, the key to successful living”. Our very own Senior Pastor Richard Salazar will be delivering these series of messages for the entire month.

Let’s get the word out! Invite your family and friends!

7pm | Wednesdays | SANCTUARY

Series Verse: Philippians 4:13 AMP - I can do ALL things (which He has called me to do) through Him.

Despite his frequent need, and harsh treatment, Paul joyfully declares his confidence that God will allow him to endure anything. Paul's words reflected the Gospel teachings that nothing is impossible with God (Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37). Paul had declared elsewhere that if God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?

All of our messages are archived and can be watched online on our YouTube channel if you miss a service or just want to hear it again. Connect with our YouTube Channel: New Harvest Norwalk - YouTube

Corporate outreach
1PM | Saturday, April 13Th | Meet at Palm Springs NH

Hey Church, we are excited to announce a Corporate Outreach taking place on Saturday, April 13th in Palm Springs! We will be partnering with the New Harvest Congregation of Palm Springs for an awesome time of reaching the lost in their city for Christ. It’s going to be a great time, lots of fun, and most importantly, the opportunity to be used by the Lord to reach hurting people, families and those who need answers. We’ve got the answer, it’s Jesus! Will you answer the call. See our website for the address. We will meet at the New Harvest Palm Springs Church at 1pm. We’ll see you there!

New Harvest Palm Springs, 565 S. Williams Rd., Palm springs, CA 92264

fifty plus - senior ministry
12:30pm | Sunday, April 14th | lounge

Hey Seniors, IDS is taking a tour of Italy! Food, that is. We want to take this time to bless all those Seniors who have been faithful each time by coming out and being a blessing to this ministry. Just come for some great Italian Food. If you wear the colors of the Italian flag you will receive an extra Raffle ticket! It’s going to be a special time of fun, food, fellowship.

PRAYER meeting
6pm - 8pm | Thursdays | Sanctuary

Men and Women, Thursday nights are a special time of prayer. please join us anytime between 6-8 pm in our Sanctuary. We are adding something special to our Thursday night prayer meetings to include a special night each month dedicated to prayer for each of our different Ministries.

Thursday, April 18th, we will be praying for our Ushers, Greeters, and Care Team Ministries, we will dedicate a portion of the night to pray specifically for our Ushers, Greeters, and Care Team Ministries, including the workers and for God’s blessings of growth and fruitfulness.

Everyone is welcome to attend. If you can’t make our Thursday prayer meetings, help us lift up these ministries in agreement for God’s anointing and growth for the leaders, the workers, and those people that these ministries serve.

Experience power and blessings and see what God will do through prayer. 

(no meeting the week of prayer central)

7pm - 9pm | Friday, April 19th & 26th | Lounge

Men, what's the most courageous thing you've ever done? Men face decisions in life that demand courage. Big or little, complex or straightforward, these choices-let's call them battles-matter a great deal. One courageous choice leads to another; tomorrow's integrity depends on today's bravery.

The Stepping Up series dives deep into the topic of biblical manhood, calling every man to reject passivity and step up to lead with courage in all areas of life. In the sessions, participants of this men’s small-group study are challenged to strengthen bonds with fellow group members, form Godly habits, claim more personal victories, share testimonies and ongoing experiences, and establish accountability with other men. Over 20 experts provide the teaching on biblical manhood.

Men come out and join us for this group meeting. With every meeting, men are being equipped to fight for their marriages, family, and faith. Become a part of this community and see how God can change you. We meet the last 2 Fridays of every month at 7:00pm in room 34.

youth & Young Adult Midweek Service
7Pm | Wednesday, April 24th | Sanctuary

We are excited about our monthly Youth & Young Adult Midweek Worship Service. God is doing great things in our young people. We will be hearing from our very own joseph gaxiola from our New Harvest norwalk youth ministry and worship team. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors, especially the young people in your life.

p.u.s.h. - pray until something happens
9am | Saturday, April 27th | lounge

Do you find strength and encouragement when you pray for others? Do you feel comfortable in smaller groups? Then PUSH is the perfect fit!

What is PUSH? PUSH means Pray Until Something Happens and it’s our monthly women’s ONLY prayer group. We meet every last Saturday at 9am in the lounge. All women are welcome!

The Landing - A Ministry of F.O.C.I.S.
6pm -8pm | Thursdays | Room 34

We are doing something brand new for our teens here at New Harvest Norwalk and for the teens in our community. It’s called The Landing. It’s a year-round biblically 12 Step recovery program for teens. All teens! Yes, that’s right. Church teens especially!  This is a biblically based study, with instructions and activities that teens can look forward to and obtain proven methods for overcoming past hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits.

Classes are every Thursday evening from 6pm to 8pm and are running concurrently with the adult Celebrate Recovery “Step Studies“. This is a great incentive for whole family participation. Parents, Space is limited so don’t wait! Call our church office for more information.

6:30pm – 9:00pm | Fridays | Lounge

Hey teens, do you enjoy fun activities like volleyball, basketball, or just hanging out with friends? Refined Youth meets every Friday at 6:30 pm. We have a time for worship, a bible teaching, games and snacks too. There will be plenty of games and prizes!

Invite a friend. Come join us. We’ll see you there!

REjoice - Grief Support Ministry
11:30am | every last saturday of the Month | Lounge

In Ecclesiastes it tells us of the seasons we will go through in life. Grieving the loss of a loved one may be the toughest season we will face. You may feel all alone or that nobody understands you. Romans 12:15 tells us to Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice and Weep With Those Who Weep. If you or someone you know has gone through a loss, we would like to invite you to the Rejoice Grief Support Ministry where you can be encouraged and know God is walking with you through this journey.

We meet every last Saturday of the month at 11:30 am, in the lounge.

My Buddy Ministry
10am | Sundays | room 25

As a church, we understand the challenges many families face trying to make it to a Sunday morning worship service, especially when you have a child who has special needs. That's why we, as a church have created an exclusive ministry, just for families who have children who have special needs. We are calling it the My Buddy Ministry. What the My Buddy Ministry consists of, is individuals being placed with your child so they can participate in the children's ministry classroom. Should your child not be able to participate in the classroom setting, we will be offering the Sensory Room, which they will be accompanied by the Buddy.

The My Buddy Ministry is available on Sunday mornings in room 25.

If you are a parent with a child who has special needs and you would like them to participate in the My Buddy Ministry, see Pastor Bob and Tina Marquez at any one of our services.

TAX receipt FOR 2023 DONATIONs

place a self-addressed envelope with a first-class US Postage stamp attached into our offering basket during our service.

Click on the following link and fill out the form: TAX RECEIPT EMAIL

Please allow 2 weeks for your receipt to arrive.

RELATE SMALL GROUPS CHECK THE SCHEDULEThis year, we have been challenged with being away from our community, but our Relate Groups have been our lifeline to building real Godly relationships while our world changes. Get plugged into a Relate Small G…


We are STARTING OUR RELATE GROUPS BACK UP now IN JANUARY 2024. our Relate Groups have been our lifeline to building real Godly relationships while our world changes. Get plugged into a Relate Small Group and see how your faith begins to grow!

NEW HARVEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - register today registration takes place year round   Parents, Grandparent, and Guardians of school age children, we have great news for you! New Harvest Christian School is a very affordable Private Christian School wh…

registration takes place year round

Attention parents, grandparents, guardians, and anyone with school age children! We want you to know that you can still enroll your student here at New Harvest School. Our school staff can walk you through the process of bringing your child from public school to our private Christian School to enjoy a safe and Christ centered environment at an affordable cost. We hope you will consider enrolling your student at New Harvest Christian School.