Christmas wonderland
6pm-9PM | FRIDAY, December 15th | SANCTUARY & parking lot
Join us on Friday, December 15th for our Christmas Wonderland! There will be rides, games and attractions at this free community event. We will also have an indoor holiday market, musical performances, and food vendors. our event will be open from 6-9pm. Don’t miss out on this fun-filled Christmas experience. everyone is invited and welcomed to come be a part of this amazing free wonderland.
Children’s Christmas Musical
10Am | Sunday, December 24th | Sanctuary
We want to invite you and your loved ones, friends and family to our annual Children’s Christmas Musical. Our musical is called, “Wrapping All the Way”. Our children, staff and “you” parents & guardians have worked very hard to put this Musical together. It all comes together on Sunday, December 24th at 10am.
There will be a toy giveaway directly following the musical. A free toy will be given to every first-time visiting child 3-12 years old.
Christmas Children’s Toy Giveaway
10Am | Sunday, December 24th | Sanctuary
We are looking forward to our special Children's Christmas Musical taking place on Sunday, December 24th. We will be having a Toy Giveaway for all the visiting children ages: 3-12 years old attending our service. Would you be able to help us make sure that we have enough toys to give away on that special day? Can you help by picking up a toy valued at $10-$15 for a child 12 and under. You can drop them off in either one of our foyers at your next visit.
Angel Tree helps equip, strengthen and restore relationships between incarcerated parents, their children and families. By providing Christmas gifts on behalf of incarcerated parents, Angel Tree allows local congregates to extend the hope of the Gospel to families with loved ones in prison.
DELIVER A GIFT, THE Gospel, AND LOVE this season with choosing an Angel to purchase a gift for on behalf of an incarcerated parent.
Angels will be displayed after each service. Due date for gifts is December 10th.
21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
As we approach 2024, we are excited for the blessings that God has in store for us. We want to be prepared individually, as a church, and as a ministry, therefore we want to start NEXT year off in prayer and fasting. This coming January, we will be hosting a 21-Day Fast. You choose the 21 days to fast on during the month of January that work best for you to fast.
Fasting simply means to abstain from something. People in the Bible fasted from eating food for a time, while others simply abstained from eating meats like Daniel and his friends. Fasting’s focus is on prayer. Rather than eating, you use that time to pray. Jesus explained that certain battles can only be won when you take the time to fast. There are different levels of fasting, however way you choose to fast, God will honor your sacrifice and he will move on behalf of our corporate prayers and fasting period.
For a better understanding of the different types of fasting and to be encouraged by the Word of God on your 21-day journey - download the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Devotional Booklet: 21 DAYS DEVOTIONAL BOOKLET
Peace On Earth – December MIDWEEK SERMON SERIES
7pm | Wednesdays | SANCTUARY
Series Verse: Luke 2:14 "Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased."
God gives us his peace so that we can rest in Him, so that we can trust Him. God promised to send us the “Prince of Peace”. God is eager to lift your cares off of you and God calls us all to be Peacemakers.
All of our messages are archived and can be watched online on our YouTube channel if you miss a service or just want to hear it again. Connect with our YouTube Channel: New Harvest Norwalk - YouTube
youth & Young Adult Midweek Service
7Pm | Wednesday, December 27th | Sanctuary
We are excited about our monthly Youth & Young Adult Midweek Worship Service. God is doing great things in our young people. We will be hearing from our very own joseph gaxiola from our New Harvest norwalk youth ministry and worship team. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors, especially the young people in your life. That’s Wednesday, December 27th at 7pm.
7PM | FRIDAY, January 5th | SANCTUARY
Come out this Friday for Prayer Central, WHY? Because we are the church. We are God’s people and because we are always under attack. God moves when his church gathers in one place in agreement to pray. So, join the fight every first Friday of each month and let's see God break strongholds in your homes, in your family’s lives, in your heath, in your finances. Prayer Central takes place every 1st Friday of each month at 7pm. You will see God answer prayer!
6:30pm – 9:00pm | Fridays | Lounge
Hey teens, do you enjoy fun activities like volleyball, basketball, or just hanging out with friends? Refined Youth meets every Friday at 6:30 pm. We have a time for worship, a bible teaching, games and snacks too. There will be plenty of games and prizes! Invite a friend. Come join us. We’ll see you there!
We WILL BE STARTING OUR RELATE GROUPS BACK UP IN JANUARY 2024. our Relate Groups have been our lifeline to building real Godly relationships while our world changes. Get plugged into a Relate Small Group and see how your faith begins to grow!
registration takes place year round
Attention parents, grandparents, guardians, and anyone with school age children! We want you to know that you can still enroll your student here at New Harvest School. Our school staff can walk you through the process of bringing your child from public school to our private Christian School to enjoy a safe and Christ centered environment at an affordable cost. We hope you will consider enrolling your student at New Harvest Christian School.