21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
As we approach 2024, we are excited for the blessings that God has in store for us. We want to be prepared individually, as a church, and as a ministry, therefore we want to start NEXT year off in prayer and fasting. This coming January, we will be hosting a 21-Day Fast. You choose the 21 days to fast on during the month of January that work best for you to fast.
Fasting simply means to abstain from something. People in the Bible fasted from eating food for a time, while others simply abstained from eating meats like Daniel and his friends. Fasting’s focus is on prayer. Rather than eating, you use that time to pray. Jesus explained that certain battles can only be won when you take the time to fast. There are different levels of fasting, however way you choose to fast, God will honor your sacrifice and he will move on behalf of our corporate prayers and fasting period.
For a better understanding of the different types of fasting and to be encouraged by the Word of God on your 21-day journey - download the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Devotional Booklet: 21 DAYS DEVOTIONAL BOOKLET