Palm Sunday - Special Service
10am | Sunday, March 24tH | Sanctuary

Invite your family and friends to a special Palm Sunday Service, Sunday, March 24th. Our Senior Pastor, Pastor Richard Salazar will be ministering. Service begins at 10am, and prayer begins at 9am on the 2nd floor.

good Friday - Prayer & Worship Service
7Pm | Friday, March 29th | Sanctuary

Join us for a very special prayer and Worship Service on Good Friday, March 29th at 7pm. It’s going to be a powerful time of Worship and Prayer as we remember the Death of Christ and pray for our Resurrection Sunday Service where we will be presenting our Live Easter Drama - “He Is Risen”. Please make time to be here for this tremendous time of ministry!

Live Easter Drama - “He Is Risen”
10am | Sunday, March 31st | Sanctuary

Easter is Sunday, March 31st. We will be presenting our Drama, “He is Risen” on Easter Sunday at 10am. This powerful presentation will visit the hours before Jesus’ betrayal, his illegal trial, conviction, and his ultimate sacrifice when he gave his life, dying on that cross. See what happens next! You don’t want to miss this exciting drama. Invite your family and your friends!

Children’s Easter Party
10am | Sunday, March 31st | 2nd Floor - Room 23

We will be hosting an exciting morning for your Children ages 6-10 years old filled with games, prizes, refreshments and tons of fun! That’s Easter Sunday at 10am.